The Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant is located on the coast of Lake Michigan near Bridgman, Michigan. It is owned by American Electric Power (AEP) and safely operated by Indiana Michigan Power (I&M).

D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant gets its name from the late Donald C. Cook. He was born in Michigan and worked for AEP 23 years. He was AEP’s chairman when he retired in 1976.

Cook Nuclear Plant has two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors that are licensed to operate until 2034 and 2037. At full power, both reactors produce a combined 2360 megawatts (MWe) [Unit 1: 1120 MWe, Unit 2: 1240 MWe] of electricity which is enough to supply power to approximately 1.5 million homes (a city the size of Detroit, MI).

Unit 1 primarily services Southwest Michigan and Unit 2 services Norwest/Central Indiana (as far south as Fort Wayne, IN).

DC Cook Fact Sheet


Safe nuclear operations starts with the extensive training of our operators.